Our Organisation
We are a federation of strong and active branches, with over 345,000 members across Australia.
The national ANMF brings together our members and branches, strengthening our collective voice.
The ANMF is made up of eight branches, each representing the professional, industrial and political interests of nurses, midwives and carers in each state and territory. The national ANMF brings all the branches together, strengthening our voice and increasing our influence at a federal level.
If you’re a member of one of our branches, you’re a member of the national union too. Collaboratively, we are the largest union in Australia. Together we work to advance the nursing, midwifery and care professions and fight for the conditions required to deliver safe, quality care.
How the federation works
The ANMF is a federation established under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 with branches in every state and territory. Each branch is set up independently, with members who elect their workplace representatives and branch council. Each branch has their own president, full-time elected officials, secretary and assistant secretary along with specialist staff to provide legal, industrial, professional and education services for their members.
The national ANMF, or Federal Office, coordinates the activities of branches in response to issues of national importance, while each branch responds to issues at a state and territory level and actively represents the industrial and professional interests of members at a local level.

Join your local ANMF branch
When you join the union, you not only add to the collective strength of your local branch but also to the strength of the national union, increasing our ability to ensure the work of ANMF members across the country is respected, recognised, valued and rewarded. Visit your local branch to read about the many benefits of membership and the many gains that members have achieved.
Our vision
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation is the influential and respected national voice of highly valued nurses, midwives and carers working in a world-class, equitable and fully funded health and aged care system.
ANMF Strategic Plan 2018-2024
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation is the influential and respected national voice of highly valued nurses, midwives and carers working in a world-class, equitable and fully funded health and aged care system.
ANMF Strategic Plan 2018-2024