We’re passionate about protecting your industrial rights. Our Industrial team look after the workplace rights of all our members.
We defend the industrial rights of nurses, midwives and carers across Australia.
Our Industrial Team is dedicated to protecting and advancing the industrial rights of our members, fighting to improve working conditions and protect the employee rights of nurses, midwives and carers throughout Australia.
Under the direction of ANMF’s Federal Executive, we work to review and make amendments to awards and enterprise agreements, making submissions to Federal Parliamentary committees, the Productivity Commission and other key bodies.
Our Industrial Team work in collaboration with all our branches to coordinate both the Industrial Advisory Committee and the Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee.

Our Priorities
We are passionate about protecting the industrial rights of our members. We work to:
- Provide leadership and advocacy at a Federal level.
- Fight for planned and coordinated salary increases through enterprise bargaining or through the modern Nurses Award.
- Maintain and enhance conditions of employment.
- Support and collaborate with ANMF Branches on a range of industrial, WHS and workers’ compensation matters.
- Develop a constructive relationship with the Federal Government, political parties and industrial bodies.
- Provide reliable information relating to wages through the production of Nurses & Midwives’ Paycheck.
- Represent the rights and interests of members to the Australian Council of Trade Unions and other unions.
- Represent the rights and interests of members to WHS bodies such as Safe Work Australia and Comcare.