Nurses & Midwives Paycheck

Arm yourself with the latest information on nursing and midwifery wages from around Australia.

Want reliable information on nursing and midwifery wages?

Nurses & Midwives Paycheck is an industry recognised publication providing credible and up-to-date information about nursing wages.

The six-monthly publication collates data from across Australia, providing comprehensive information on both current wage rates and projected wage increases, relevant to each state and territory. Each issue includes details about wages for the public sector, private hospitals and the residential aged care sector. It is hands down, the most detailed and trusted source of information for nurses, midwives, carers and their employers. Paycheck is published six-monthly in the months of August and February.

What’s the cost? Nurses & Midwives Paycheck is free for current ANMF, NSWNMA or QNMU members. Non-members can grab a copy for $35 per issue.

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Want reliable information on nursing and midwifery wages?

Nurses and Midwives Paycheck February 2025 - July 2025, Vol 24 No 1 edition now available

This edition of Nurses and Midwives' Paycheck includes updated public sector wages data for Western Australia, updated average wages data based on enterprise agreements covering aged care and private acute hospitals and a substantial rewrite of the aged care sections to incorporate outcomes from the Aged Care Work Value Case and the Nurses and Midwives Work Value Case. Rates of pay for non-nurse carers in aged care will now be tracked against the relevant classifications in the Aged Care Award 2010.

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This edition of Nurses and Midwives' Paycheck includes updated public sector wages data for Western Australia, updated average wages data based on enterprise agreements covering aged care and private acute hospitals and a substantial rewrite of the aged care sections to incorporate outcomes from the Aged Care Work Value Case and the Nurses and Midwives Work Value Case. Rates of pay for non-nurse carers in aged care will now be tracked against the relevant classifications in the Aged Care Award 2010.

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