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Regulatory action is being taken against residential aged care providers that have persistently failed to meet their mandatory care minutes targets.
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) has publicly outed 11 providers, and 27 residential aged care homes that have been hit with ‘enforceable undertakings’ from the regulator for failing to meet the care minute targets.
These providers have been placed under active supervision due to their significant, unexplained and sustained non-compliance with care minutes requirements.
The Commission was using its regulatory powers to hold providers to account, said ACQSC Commissioner Janet Anderson.
“All residential aged care providers are on notice as the Commission will continue to actively monitor, engage with and take regulatory action against providers that persistently fall well short of their care minutes requirements.
“Failure to deliver mandatory care minutes where there is an absence of tangible effort to achieve these targets could lead to sanctions and financial penalties.”
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